Saturday, November 29, 2008


Ohh. Was yours good? I thought mine was great! I am thankful for... my family! I was adopted and brought to them. We were destine for eachother! Today's mommy's birthday party! We are all excited, but her birthday is really December 2. See you guys super soon!
xoxo, Honey Bunny

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I was purring to hear such good news!! Mommy's birthday pawty!! Yay! She is having a pawty with lots of people including sprinkles' mommy! I will maybe upload a VIDEO on her birthday!! Anyways, I love how she is getting older. Mommy will obviously let me come to the party. Why wouldnt she? She LOVES me! Mommy set up a new bed for me the other day, so I will post a pic laying in it maybe if i cooperate!! haha. meow for now!
xoxo, honey bunny

pawpals is here!

i will start pawpals now:
thanks to all followers; im hoping to get even more! i was on youtube and heard about a cat named sparta, i'll convince his owner to let him get a blogger:) comments, well i defenitly need more. haha. anyways, pawpals is about me saying thanks to ppl who comments and stuff: mr.tigger, u soo sweet! tess: ur kitty seems adorable! sprinkels: you always there for me gurl. luv u soo much!!

okay. so thats it for now:) want to make it on my pawpals list? just comment or follow! veyr simple!!
xoxo, honey bunny

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some little things

Hey Readers,
Its Honey here! I have done a few things here I'd like to tell you:
*They may stop making IMIKIMI.COM free.*
*Gracie and Newton are STILL being rude to me!*
*I'll be starting "story time" where you can hear about some adventures of mine but it'll be another blog.*
*I found out that IAMS pet food tests on animals. (i care about them.)*
*Friskies DOESNT test on animals. (which i used to think)*
*Its been SO rainy lately!*
*I'm getting nicer to my auntie.*
*Mommy's cheer competition is Saturday!*
* has a lot of screamers on it. (screamers are like fake videos that show a scary face at the end)*
*I now snuggle with Molly (a family dog)*

So their are some latest things!!
xoxo, Honey Bunny

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Hello there! This is another new picture!! And please sign the petition at PETA.COM now and pledge to not eat any meat for 30 DAYS! It can possibly change the way slaughter houses think about animals. To see footage from a REAL slaughter house and see how terrifying it is for chickens, visit: and learn to say NO to the thanksgiving "treat".

Mommy's message about a dog: From the doghouse, to the courthouse: Hugo's story

Only two short years ago, PETA delivered a custom-built doghouse to Hugo, a sweet dog who had been chained outside without any shelter from the broiling sun or the freezing cold. Thanks to kind supporters like you, we regularly bring the same comfort to hundreds of neglected "backyard" dogs every year, animals whose mean owners will not give them away and will only do the minimum within the law—if that. Hugo's owner knew that local laws did not require shelter for dogs, and we were lucky not to be thrown off the property when we arrived with our "gift."
PETA field workers checked in on Hugo last New Year's Day to fill his house with new straw bedding. They found Hugo curled up inside his doghouse. Hugo was dead, and his body was just a bag of bones.
We gained custody of Hugo's body and had him examined by a veterinarian. Hugo had been starved to death, his stomach empty except for some grass and orange peels. PETA immediately put a case file together and pressed local officials to file cruelty-to-animals charges. Through hard work and PETA's own testimony, Hugo's abusive owner was convicted and has received jail time and five years' probation. We also asked that he not be allowed to own or set foot in any home where an animal is present, and the judge granted that condition as part of his probation.
Without PETA and you, there would be no hope and no justice for poor dogs like Hugo. But with your continued support, we can help stop abusers from getting near other animals and we can rescue many animals while there is still time.
Every week, PETA caseworkers receive hundreds of reports of animals who are sorely abused and neglected by their owners. We are told of dogs who are chained outside with no food, water, or shelter in blizzards, storms, and sweltering heat. We hear of dozens of cats who are trapped inside filthy homes by "hoarders." And we never turn away a call.
We do everything we possibly can to get these animals out of their predicaments, from working with animal-sheltering agencies to helping local law enforcement pursue cruelty-to-animals charges against abusive owners. As in Hugo's case, we provide evidence and testimony to help prosecutors secure a conviction—and send the firm message that animal abuse must not go unpunished.
While our courtroom victory came too late to save poor Hugo, it was enormously important. For decades, anti-cruelty statutes were simply ignored in northeastern North Carolina, where Hugo lived—but not anymore. As a result of PETA's dedicated work on his case—which you made possible—animal abusers in rural areas like this one are having to change their ways.
For animals who wish only to give us their love and loyalty and who ask for nothing more in return, the world can be a very cruel, cold place. But your support for PETA's groundbreaking and heartbreaking cruelty casework affords them the friendship, dignity, and—in the worst cases—justice that they deserve. Please donate today to help us reach those animals in the greatest need. Your help can make all the difference for a dog, cat, or other animal who is being abused or neglected right now.
Thank you for being a good friend to animals.

A small adventure

The other day, I was outside in our big tree, and since its fall, the leaves have changed colors, so they now kinda match my fur. But Gracie, the cat nextdoor, climbed our fence and go into the tree to fight with me. Mommy came and got me down with the ladder, but Gracie wasnt finished, when mommy let me down, she started hissing at me! I ran inside and mommy told our neighbors to get her out of our backyard. Good thing our neighbors are nice though, I wouldv'e been dead!!
xoxo, Honey Bunny

Mommy's sick!!

Hey everyone!!
Mommy is sick today, isnt that horrible! I feel bad, playing outside when she is inside feeling horrible, but I cant help very much... I really want to snuggle with her, but her mom says since the couch is leather, I cant go on!! Anyways, lets hope Newton isnt outside!! He'll be really mean! Well, see you guys soon!!
xoxo, Honey Bunny

P.S. Hope you liked the pictures!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pics of me

I'm soo calm here!

Its Honey!!

Hey!! Its Honey Bunny here!! Hope your Monday is good. I've been playing with my new toy lately, its fun, but tricky to catch the mouse, and I'm pretty good at grabbing it! Thanks to everyone who is a follower!! I hope I get more!! Thanks Sprinkles for being a good girl and your blogs are sooo cool! And thanks Samantha and Mr. Tigger for letting me be apart of the chrsitmas card exchange!! You guys rock!! Well see you later and have a great thanksgiving (even though its next week:))
xoxo, Honey Bunny

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hi its sunday night:)

Mom got me a NEW toy!! Its a stick with a rope at the end, and you can attatch it to this feather thing or this cute mouse! A pic of it will be up soon:) Thanks for the followers and stuff. Mommy got some winter things up and I played with my toy! Do you like my blogger so far? I'm celebrating thanksgiving with two annoying dogs- but Molly the lab retriever is soo nice! Roxy is a pain in the butt though... New pics up soon:)
xoxo, Honey Bunny

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hello! Happy Friday!!

Hi! And happy Friday!!! I am so excited for thanksgiving! You might've seen Sprinkles' Blog about my blogger page, if not, go to and you can see it!! Well, thanks for visiting my blogger page!! There'll be more stuff later! Momma is spending the night at Sprinkles' house! She was SO excited about it!! She is having a great time over there too! I will have many pictures ASAP okay?? Check in for new things pretty much everyday!! Bye bye!
xoxo, Honey Bunny

First Blog!!

Hello! Thanks for visiting my blogger account! My name is Honey and I love snuggling with people and exploring my mom's yard! I am adventurous and smart. I am a Tiffany Calico and my aunt got me for her birthday! I think dogs can be really annoying and my neighbors cat is really mean to me! Here is a story that is explaining what happened last summer: I was outside, and all alone except my mommy was out with some friends. I was hiding in my bushes because Roxy, the family's papillion had been barking at me a lot and I was mad at her and wanted to be alone. I dont speek dog very well, so I dont know what she said. But anyways, then my neighbors' cat Gracie, and my other neighbors' cat Newton were being SO mean to me! They were meowing at me and trying to scratch me! I climbed the fence into my backyard, but so did they! I faught with them, and Newton bit me! I started scratching my sliding door to get inside and luckily mom was on the computer, so she let me in. I was so happy to be inside and I still hate those mean kitties!
xoxo, Honey bunny:)